Cooking lessons la restaurantul Poem (prezentare)
1 mai 2011 | Noutati
Schedule haute gourmet ianuarie – iunie – January- June
Pentru pasionatii gourmet, orice experienta culinara este un eveniment ce merita celebrat… Carol Parc Hotel si premiatul sau Restaurant POEM v-au pregatit o inedita propunere de petrecere a timpului liber in compania prietenilor sau colegilor: Cursuri de gatit cu hohote de ras incluse! The Carol Parc Hotel and its acclaimed Restaurant POEM have prepared for our Gourmet Friends a series of courses Haute Gourmet – fun and informative – to choose from:
22 Ianuarie / January – Fit for you!
05 februarie /February – Juniors cooking Crazy cookies & PIZZA
12 Februarie / February – Romantic Valentine (Croissant de camembert, Vongole-scoici, desert de castane)
19 februarie / February – Juniors cooking Crazy cookies & PIZZA
06 Martie / March – Man in the kitchen!
19 Martie / March – Sushi with Joy!
16 Aprilie / April – Yummi cupcakes!
7 Mai / May – Sushi with Joy!
14 Mai / May – Easy to Sophisticated – Sauces ; DRUMUL sosurilor –(Incepi cu mayoneza, treci de Olandeza, ajunji la Bernaise si tot mergi mai departe! (Way of Sauces – Start with moayonese, pass olandezi towards Bernaise and further!
29 Mai /May – ALL ABOUT STEAK –BEEF – what means matured meat? Find out from the Chef /Owner of one of the most beloved steak restaurants in town, BORA from “OSHO”! Ce inseamna VITA maturata – aflu totul despre STEAK de la BORA, owner/chef de la OSHO!
18 Iunie – Cocktail Party – Fingerfood
Veti fi asteptati cu champanie, veti primi un booklet cu meniul si retetele cursului, o diploma de „Sub-Chef” J, multe poze iar apoi veti lua masa in elegantul restaurant, meniul fiind compus… din propriile creatii culinare!
You will be awaited with champagne Schlumberger, you will be in our profssional kitchen under our Chef or a guest Chef with whom you will prepare three delicious types of food. You will receive the recipes, your diploma as „Assistent-Chef” J, many pictures and of course you will taste the meal you’ve prepared together with the other participants in the course.
Detalii eveniment / Event details
* Cursul are loc sambata 16.04.2011intre 12 :00 – 15:00 / takes place Saturday, 16.04.2011 from 12:00 – 15:00
* Numarul de participanti este intre 7 si 15 / number of participants between 7-15
* Rezervarea locului si plata in avans a cursului sunt necesare / reservation made by advance payment
* Optional: sort de bucatarie personalizat cu sigla Haute Gourmet. Acestea sunt folosite pe durata cursului dar pot fi achizitionate ca amintire! Costul este de 60 Lei buc / optional : keep your apron as souvenier after the course for 60Lei
Cursul include – Lessons include :
- Primirea cu cafea, ceai, soft drinks la restaurantul Poem de la Carol Parc Hotel / reception with coffee & tea and softdrink, juice, mineral water
- Meniul si retetele cursului, diploma de participare personalizata / the menu you prepared, recepies, diploma of the course
- Poze de la eveniment trimise direct pe email / photos by email
Preturi /Costs :
- Pretul de participare la curs este de 200 Lei / cost of participation : 200 Lei
- Cursantii fideli beneficieaza de un discount de 10% / fidelity discount of 10%
- Discount grupurilor incepand cu 4 persoane de 10% / group discount (4) of 10%
- Participantii prin Fashion Days beneficiaza de alte conditii ; Voucherele Fashion Days trebuie neaparat prezentate la curs / Fashion Days participants are exepted under different conditions ; Vouchers need to be prezented at reception
- Reducerile de mai sus nu se pot cumula si nu se aplica voucherelor / above discounts can not
be cumulated ; do not apply to vouchers
- Nou ! Abonament pentru trei cursuri cu 510 Lei / subscription 3 courses 510 Lei (Discount 90 Lei)
- Acceptam plata cu Visa sau Master Card, virament bancar sau cash in avans / acceptable
Visa / Mastercard; e-bank transfer ; cash advanced payment
Extra Gourmet
- Haute Gourmet Cooking Lessons se gasesc si in format Voucher-Cadou pesonalizat sau Gift Pack
cu livrare gratuita in Bucuresti /available gift – voucher or gift pack with free delivery in Bucharest
- Haute Gourmet organizeaza cursuri de gatit private si/sau personalizate, inclusiv pentru copii / we organize private & personalized cooking parties, childrens birthday (cooking) parties
- Haute Gourmet este destinatia #1 pentru Team-Building Gourmet / we have experience in team building cooking lessons
- Suntem poligloti (romana, germana, engleza) / we are multi-lingual (Romanian, German, English) please let us know your needs
Rezervari : 021-336 33 77 ; email: [email protected].;