Daca vreti sa vizitati sau sa traiti in Peace & Harmony

6 aprilie 2014 | Noutati

Peace and Harmony Peace & Harmony was founded in 2008 by two passionate human beings (Holland and Romania), who had both grown up in cities and who had the vision of living in a more natural and sustainable way.

We are building a small community of 5 or 6 people, on our land of just under one hectare, 20km from Curtea de Arges and 150km from Bucharest, surrounded by hills, forest, and a nearby river, and our terrain is varied and rich in resources (stone, sand, timber, clay). There are currently 3 members living here permanently. Our inspiration came from different sources – Anastasia and Permaculture Principles in particular – both of which are integrated into our daily life here, especially the internal process of transforming from an artificial lifestyle to a natural one. Part of our vision is also to keep it simple, and inspire other people to have a more natural and connected lifestyle, by setting an example for others that this concept can be easily duplicated. We do not want to exclude ourselves from society, rather show a new way of living.

Keywords – transparency, natural, simplicity, transformation, back to basics.

For our food production, besides the large variety of wild plants on our land, we are developing an edible forest garden around the existing old plum and apple trees, elder, black locust, and grapevine. For our shelter, besides the two old Romanian houses, we will build a small natural living space for each permanent member of the community. Besides living in an amazing place ourselves, we also organise events to share with others who we are and what we are doing. For people who would like to spend more time here, we have what we call a Peace & Harmonisation Programme. Step by step we are growing into more sustainability.

We prefer to follow our inner guidance rather than mental concepts! We follow our hearts!


If you would like to know more please get in touch.
Please feel free to share this with your friends.

Thank you!

Love, Delia Burnham

Delia of the family burnham
Evolutionary Bandit
Tree of Life

„Everything on the earth has a purpose, every disease an herb to cure it, and every person a mission. This is the Indian theory of existence.”
-Mourning Dove (Salish) 1888-1936

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Dear friends,

Peace and Harmony Very happy to announce our Peace & Harmony programme for three months. After the Winter introspection period we are renewed with deepening insight and energy! Ready to meet YOU and share our amazing place in nature with you, and the subjects we are passionate about to share this experience with you. Did you know if you are 2-3 hours in nature that your level of stress is reduced enormously? Can you imagine that how we feel in nature, THAT is our state of BEING? Gives you something to meditate about…:)

Welcome to new members in our sustainable living community, 2 roosters and 1 hen! We called them rooster 1 Peace, rooster 2 AND, Harmony is the name of our first hen, and more are on its way! A good balance is one rooster and 7-8 hens.

Besides the dates for the coming months, we also have already something exciting news to share with you for later this year. Does the name Michael Tellinger rings like a bell to you? Or Kapacha? wo amazing human beings were we are inspired by, Michael for its source of information about the slavery system, and hidden technology irt free energy. Kapacha for his astrology seeing from a new paradigm. We invited them to come to Romania!


22th of March  ”Spring Equinox Celebration”
keywords: release, campfire, lantern, celebration.
time: 12.00 – 20.00
place: Vilsanesti, 15km from Curtea de Arges
contribution:125 lei including, ”taste of Peace & Harmony”, natural gourmet food & drinks.

26th of March ‘‘Peace & Harmony is presenting herself”
to meet us and our passion for how we live.
time: 19.30 – 22.00
place: Bucuresti, Casa Satya, Banu Manta
contribution: 25 lei including apples from our land and Peace & Harmony teamix.

24th of April ”Peace & Harmony is presenting herself”
to meet us and our passion for how we live
time: 19.30 – 22.00
place: Bucuresti, Casa Satya, Banu Manta
contribution: 25 lei including apples from our land and Peace & Harmony teamix.

10th & 11th of May ”Daily Permaculture Workshop”
Within these 2 days we will offer you an inspiring programme related to our own food production, using the Permaculture principles. Delia will be our guide and she is great with wild plants!
keywords: food forest, squarefoot, basics of Permaculture, practice Permaculture in your daily live.
time: 10.00 – 18.00
place: Vilsanesti, 15km from Curtea de Arges
contribution: 495 lei including, stay, natural gourmets meals & drinks

Besides these events we have a continues Peace & Harmonisation Programme for those of you who would like to have some quality time with yourself. You will have the opportunity to be in the silence of nature. Take some time off, maybe you like to be productive in another way, like expressing yourself by writing or other artworks. Or to spend some time in your inner world. Most ideal is to give yourself 3 months for the Peace & Harmonisation Programme, longer of shorter is also possible. Whatever you choose for, we are here to support you.

If you like to attend one of our events let us know, feel free to share this newsletter with others. For any questions please contact us by mail, chat, skype or phone.

love Anet Verweij & Delia Burnham