Avalon – prezentare
29 ianuarie 2010 | Noutati
Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel
Calea Dorobantilor 5 – 7, District 1, Bucharest
Tel. 021 201 5030
Capacity: 80 – 100 persons
Underground, guarded parking available
In a contemporary environment and cozy atmosphere, our Canadian Chef Henrik Sebok offers you a wide variety of contemporary, avant-garde dishes and flavors that tantalize all your senses.
The Avalon menu is essentially eclectic and avant-garde – oriented, bringing forth the most daring combinations of ingredients and culinary techniques. Gastronomic refinement reaches delicious heights at Avalon.
The dishes are displayed as amazing architectural endeavours, but taste remains paramount.
Hotelul Howard Johnson Grand Plaza,
Calea Dorobantilor 5 – 7, Sector 1, Bucuresti
Tel 021 201 5030
Capacitate: 80 – 100 persoane
Parcare subterana pazita
Intr-o atmosfera intima si un décor modern, bucatarul nostru sef de origine canadiana Henrik Sebok va ofera o varietate de preparate avangardiste care rasfata toate simturile.
Meniul restaurantului Avalon este eclectic si avangardist, prezentand clientilor cele mai indraznete combinatii de ingrediente si tehnici culinare.
La Avalon, rafinamentul gastronomic atinge cote delicios de ametitoare.
Preparatele sunt prezentate ca niste constructii arhitecturale unice, dar cel mai important ramane gustul.
Executive Chef, Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel, Bucuresti
Nationalitate: Canadian
Data nasterii: 12 martie 1968
Stare civila: casatorit, doi copii
Henrik Sebok, in prezent Executive Chef la hotelul Howard Johnson Grand Plaza din Bucuresti, are o experienta de 25 de ani in domeniu in Canada, SUA si Romania.
Inainte de a veni in Romania, in 2002, Henrik Sebok a lucrat, ca Executive Chef si Executive Sous – Chef, atat in restaurante independente de fine dining cat si in lanturi hoteliere sau de restaurante: Chateau Cartier Sheraton Hotel and Club de Golf in Aymler, Quebec, Canada, Il Pescatore Restaurant (Fine Dining 5Diamond *) in Ottawa, Canada, The Linderhof Restaurants and Catering.
La Howard Johnson Grand Plaza, Henrik Sebok lucreaza din 2003, cand a pus bazele celor doua restaurante din cadrul hotelului, Avalon (bucatarie contemporan – eclectica) si Benihana (bucatarie japoneza), precum si ale conceptului de meniu de banqueting pentru centrul de Conferinte Grand Plaza Forum.
De-a lungul acestui parcurs profesional, Henrik Sebok s-a specializat in bucatarie continentala: Fusion, frantuzeasca, asiatica, eclectic-contemporana, ungureasca, germana, italiana si, mai nou, progressive cuisine.