Care sunt restaurantele din Bucuresti recomandate de publicatia britanica The Guardian
30 octombrie 2015 | Locuri cool
La inceputul saptamanii, in publicatia The Guardian, una dintre cele mai apreciate din Marea Britanie, a aparut un articol in care Bucurestiul era laudat ca fiind un oras surprinzator, cosmopolit si plin de o energie pozitiva. Bineinteles, energia pozitiva o simt mai mult turistii, caci bucurestenii cunosc in amanunt numeroasele defecte si energiile negative pe care le emana atat de multe locuri din Bucuresti, transportul in comun, traficul etc.
In orice caz, articolul a fost un motiv de mandrie, chiar daca plin de clisee de genul: „Paris of the east” sau „the cityscape is largely one of imposing socialist architecture, the result of former dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu’s savage redevelopment project„.
De asemenea, in articol era laudata si „scena culinara” si viata de noapte care, spun ei, nu se compara cu vreuna din alte orase din Balcani.
Restaurantele recomandate de The Guardian sunt:

„Fine dining remains something of a novelty concept in Bucharest, but elegantly understated The Artist, discreetly tucked away on one of the old town’s quieter streets, is leading the way.”

„Home-style cooking doesn’t come much better than at Beca’s Kitchen, a little family-run restaurant on an unassuming residential street, a short walk north of the city centre.”

„The location isn’t the most exciting but that shouldn’t dissuade anyone from venturing to Pukka Tukka, a super organic food bar.”

„Is the first restaurant many tourists make a beeline for but it’s also where the locals go, which says much about its authenticity.”
Pentru bauturi, The Guardian recomanda:

„Old town cafés are ten-a-penny, but bright and buzzy Cremeria Emilia knocks spots off all of them.”

„Romanian wine remains something of a mystery to outsiders, so Abel’s Wine Bar – one of several to have emerged recently – is just the spot to begin your education by sampling the many varieties of wine, most of which are available by the glass.”

„Packed most nights, it’s a bit of an all-rounder, variously staging live music, cabaret, burlesque and quiz nights.”

„It’s a small, easy-going joint run by an enthusiastic team of baristas who really know their beans; be it a cappuccino, ristretto or lungo, the quality is consistently high and the service impeccable.”
Ce ziceti? Cum vi se par alegerile lor? Voi ce alte locuri din Bucuresti ati recomanda unui turist?