Promotiile de sarbatori de la AtheneePalace Hilton
22 noiembrie 2011 | Noutati
Athenee Palace Hilton a anuntat programul sezonului festiv in cadrul hotelului. Oaspetii restaurantului Roberto’s, Cafe Athenee si English Bar vor savura pranzuri traditionale europene, brunch-uri si petreceri tematice de Craciun, incepand cu 6 Decembrie. Mesele de pranz cu teme inspirate din diferite tari europene incluzand Italia, Marea Britanie, Germania, Franta si tarile Nordice vor fi disponibile in noul restaurant Roberto’s intre 6 – 23 Decembrie.
De asemenea, restaurantul Roberto’s va gazdui in zilele de duminica, brunch-uri traditionale de Craciun, acesta fiind deja un obicei pentru Athenee Palace Hilton. Astfel, pe 11 decembrie va avea loc un brunch in familie, pe data de 18 decembrie brunch in ritm de jazz iar pe 25 decembrie brunch Craciun Fericit, care se va desfasura in sala Le Diplomate. Pretul unui brunch este de 220 Ron, inclusiv bauturile si animatia copiilor.
Din casuta de turta dulce aflata in hotel, oaspetii vor putea alege surprize originale si delicioase, inclusiv ulei de masline autentic Roberto’s, retetele secrete ale bucatarului sef Lam si prajiturile legendare pregatite de patiserul sef, Mimi.
Linda Griffin, manager general al Athenee Palace Hilton, a declarat: “In acest sezon invitam oaspetii nostrii sa savureze mancarea si aromele traditionale ale diferitelor tari europene in cadrul pranzurilor tematice din Restaurantul Roberto’s. Este un loc de intalnire perfect atat pentru oamenii de afaceri cat si pentru petreceri intre prieteni. Pe langa petrecerea venetiana din Restaurantul Roberto’s, hotelul va gazdui o petrecere Boutique Club in Cafe Athenee, cu DJ, percutionist si saxofonist si o petrecere disco in English Bar, unde intrarea va fi libera. Preturile pentru petrecerile de Anul Nou incep de la 350 Ron, inclusiv cazare.
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Athenee Palace Hilton has announced the start of the festive season in the hotel. Guests of Roberto’s restaurant, Cafe Athenee and The English Bar will enjoy traditional European lunches, Christmas-themed brunches and glamorous parties starting from 6 December. Themed lunches inspired by different European countries including Italy, UK, Germany, France and the Nordic countries will be available in the newly refurbished Roberto’s restaurant from 6-23 December.
Roberto’s restaurant will also host traditional Sunday Advent brunches, already a custom at Athenee Palace Hilton, with a special Family Brunch on 11 December, a Jazz Brunch on 18 December and a Christmas Brunch on 25 December, hosted in the hotel’s ballroom Le Diplomate. Price for the brunch is 220 Ron, including drinks and children’s entertainment. A Christmas shop, made of icing and gingerbread, will be offering original and tasty surprises for Christmas, including authentic Roberto’s olive oil, secret recipes from the hotel’s Executive Chef Lam, and legendary cakes from the hotel’s Pastry Chef, Mimi.
Linda Griffin, general manager of Athenee Palace Hilton, Bucharest, said, “This season we invite our guests to taste traditional foods and flavours from various European communities during our themed lunches in Roberto’s restaurant. It is a perfect venue for both business and social celebrations.” In addition to the Venetian party in Roberto’s restaurant, the hotel will host a Boutique Club night at Cafe Athenee, with DJ, percussionist and saxophonist and free entry to a disco party in The English Bar. Prices for the New Year’s Eve parties start from 350 Ron, including accommodation.
For more information about the promotions or to book, please visit
(comunicat AtheneePalace Hilton)