A reputable location in Bucharest, Gambrinus Beerhouse has a history that begins in 1901, when I.L. Caragiale, well known writer and innkeeper opened the first location across the street from the National Theatre, located at the time on Campineanu St.
It was a meeting place for writers, journalists, businessmen and politicians, as well as a center of music and fiddlers of the time. After its destruction in a World War II bombing, it has found its place in the oldest building found on Regina Elisabeta Blvd. - Hotel Cismigiu. After the trauma left by the communist regime, Gambrinus Beerhouse was restored and reopened its doors in the spring of 2013, at over 100 years since it was founded, with an interior design style inspired from the 1940s, wishing to introduce you to the atmosphere of old times and inviting you to try Romanian traditional dishes.
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