ΚΛΙΛΜO̲. A symbol of CHANGE. A concept of CONTRAST. A story that underlines the fear of mediocrity and the tendency to exploit the peak of potential and constantly strive for the absolute.
ΚΛΙΛΜO̲ is all about SEASONALITY and TERROIR. A symbiosis between the nature that surrounds us and the passing of age. In our kitchen, the aim is to go back to the origins of our ancestors when meals were defined by the geographical position and the season upon it.
In this scenario, nature is the true artist. As Chefs, we just prepare the main stage for it to shine at its own pace through a particular form of cuisine. Our values are built around Mother Nature, with core focus on the passion for gastronomy and respect for local produce and artisans alike.
Located on the iconic Ermil Pangratti Street, in the capital city, this location indulges the site with a historical mist of artistic scenery. In the past, this same street was the location of all sculptors and painters and their ateliers and art galleries. Therefore, the artistic soul of our restaurant can be felt through the elements of design, the tangible modern art pieces, the ethnic reinterpretations as well as the crockery and cutlery at the same time. We embrace our forgotten national values and yet present them through a distinctive vision of respect and honor, as an homage.
As a guest, we invite you to step into our world and allow us to change yours. In the end, ΚΛΙΛΜO̲ is nothing more than a story. A story in which the food is a reflection, a statement and not just a habit of the human nature to eat. A story that is meant to be shared with the world.
L: 18:00 - 23:00
M - J 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:00 - 23:00
V - S 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:00 - 24:00
D: Închis
Dorobanţi / Nord
Str.Ermil Pangratti nr.30A
L: 18:00 - 23:00
M - J 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:00 - 23:00
V - S 12:00 - 15:00 | 18:00 - 24:00
D: Închis
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