Despre The Artist Restaurant
Paul Oppenkamp a ales sa ramana in Romania in 2012, dupa 6 ani de vizite repetate si a aceptat provocarea de a construi un concept ce evidentieaza tehnicile moderne de preparare oferind o nota de personalitate folosind elemente din gastronomia moleculara si asta pentru ca isi doreste sa puna accent pe creativitate in gastronomie.
Avand un bagaj mare de cunostinte in domeniu, Paul se simte privilegiat de oportunitatile oferite datorita alegerii lui de a calatori in jurul lumii ”E mare lucru sa poti sa experimentezi preparate traditionale din majoritatea tarilor, sa intelegi ingredientele fiecarui preparat si influntele acestora in viata localnicilor intr-un final intelegand cultura lor”.
La fel s-a intamplat si cu preparatele traditionale romanesti. De fiecare data cand venea in Romania, mama soacra pregatea bunatati romanesti si nu lipseau nici vizitele in gradina bunicii de la tara, sursa ingredientelor.
Paul, originar din Hoorn, este absolvent al Scolii de Arta culinara din Heeruwgowaard, Olanda. Calatoria lui gastronomica a inceput de mic, a lucrat in restaurante de la 14 ani . Spiritul lui de bun coordonator, intensitatea si pasiunea dedicate gastronomiei, au calauzit cariera lui iar la 24 ani devine Executive Chef, postura din care conduce echipa din top. El si-a ales oportunitatile care l-au ajutat sa isi puna in practica inventivitatea, fiind apreciat de oamenii cu experienta gastronomica intensa.
In ultimii 5 ani a avut ca “atelier de creatie” bucataria ultraluxosului yacht “The World” – cel mai mare mega yacht privat din lume. Aici Chef Paul a rasfatat cele mai pretentioase gusturi cunoscatorilor greu de induplecat.
The Artist este acum locul unde Chef Paul transforma prin magia lui textura, aroma si culoarea fiecarui preparat in sculpturi ametitor de delicioase.
Restaurantul se afla in Centrul Istoric al Bucurestiului, la parterul unei impresionante cladiri interbelice de pe strada ce poarta numele marelui pictor – Nicolae Tonitza.
Bucataria modernista a Chef-ului olandez combina tehnicile clasice cu cele din bucataria moleculara si influente din bucataria romaneasca, avand ca rezultat asocieri surprinzatoare de texturi si arome ce revolutioneaza gastronomia clasica.
Cei care pasesc pragul restaurantului fac primii pasi intr-o calatorie memorabila. La “the ARTIST” experienta culinara se tranforma intr-o experienta a emotiilor. Fiecare preparat din meniu este creat pentru a atinge toate coardele senzoriale. Aici vei trai experienta surprinzatoare de a gusta ceva cu adevarat nou, inovativ si delicios.
Paul Oppenkamp chose to remain in Romania in 2012, after six years of repeated visits and accepted the challenge of building a concept that highlights modern cooking techniques emphasing on creativity in cooking. With an enormous amount of knowledge in the field, Paul feels privileged of the opportunities offered due to his choice to travel around the world “it is a great opportunity to experience traditional cuisine of most countries, to understand each ingredient and their influence on locals life finally understanding their culture”. The same thing happened with traditional Romanian dishes. Every time he came to Romania, his mother in law was preparing delicious Romanian dishes and he used to visit the grandmother garden in the village, the source of the ingredients.
Paul, originally from Hoorn, graduated the School of Culinary Arts in Heeruwgowaard, The Netherlands. His Gastronomic journey started on a young age and worked in restaurants since he was 14 years old. The spirit of good coordinator, the intensity and passion dedicated to gastronomy, have guided his career and at age 24 he became Executive Chef, leading the entire culinary team. Paul has chosen opportunities that helped him put into practice his inventiveness. In the last 5 years before opening the restaurant his “workshop” was the kitchen of the ultra-luxury yacht “The World” – the largest private mega yacht. Here Chef Paul exceeded the expectations of the people with intense gastronomic experiences.
the Artist is now the place where Chef Paul transformed through the magic of texture, flavor and color of each preparation in stunning delicious sculptures. The restaurant was relocated in January 2017 and is now in a wonderful villa on Calea Victorei 147, near P-ta Victoriei.
The Dutch Chef has a modern cooking approach that combines classical techniques with modern cuisine and Romanian cuisine influences, resulting in surprising combinations of textures and flavors that revolutionize the dining experience.
Those who walk into the restaurant do the first steps on a memorable journey. At “the Artist” culinary experience is the transformation into an experience of emotions. Each dish is designed to reach all sensory chords. Here you will experience the amazing taste of something truly new, innovative and delicious.
To offer new emotions and unique experiences, every season Chef Paul creates a new collection of delicious masterpieces, to the delight of loyal guests. Each menu is left to the imagination and artistry of blending the highest quality ingredients prepared with more creative and surprising presentation using cooking methods that optimize flavor.
With an elegant ambiance in an establishment where modern design blends in with the historical elements of the property well preserved to enrich its personality, Restaurant “the Artist” creates a perfect setting for a unique experience for romance, friends or business. Here your imagination will be challenged and known gastronomic limits will be demolished. Are you ready for a unique experience?