Serile de Jazz in Café Athénée
19 ianuarie 2012 | Noutati
Athénée Palace Hilton a anuntat astazi lansarea serilor de Jazz in Café Athenee, in fiecare joi, incepand cu ora 20:00. Oaspetii din Café Athenee vor avea ocazia de a o urmari pe Nadia, o foarte talentata cantareata din republica Moldova, interpretand piese cunoscute de Jazz, acompaniata de chitara electro-acustica.
Seara, Café Athenee este un bar-restaurant sofisticat unde lumanarile aprinse pe mese creaza o atmosfera calda si intima. Meniul clasic European este completat de un concept unic “Bubbles&Bites”, o lista de 5 preparate gourmet servite impreuna cu o selectie speciala de vinuri.
Hilton isi invita oaspetii sa petreaca o seara placuta, in fiecare joi, viz-a-viz de fostul Palat Regal, intr-o atmosphera destinsa, savurand un program exceptional de jazz.
Distractia continua si in weekend, cu Friday I’m in love with champagne, o promotie cu sampanie si DJ live.
Pentru mai multe informatii vizitati
Athénée Palace Hilton today announced the start of the jazz evenings in Café Athenee, every Thursday starting with 20:00 hours. Guests of Café Athénée will enjoy a live performance by Nadja, a very talented singer, from the Republic of Moldavia.
In the evening, Café Athenee is a sophisticated wine bar and restaurant with candle light atmosphere. The Classic European menu is complimented by unique “Bubbles & Bites”, a list of 5 deluxe gourmet items served alongside a wide selection of wines.
We invite our guests to spend a wonderful evening just across from the former Royal Palace, every Thursday, in a nice atmosphere while enjoying an exceptional program of jazz.
The entertainment continues in the weekend, with Friday I’m in love with champagne, a special lounge evening with champagne promotion and live DJ.
For more information about the promotions or to book, please visit